Sunday, February 8, 2015

The NH Primary - A Year of Change - February 2015, part 2

Toots and I took a trip to the college yesterday. Boy has it changed from the last time that we visited on New Year's Day. The biggest change is the huge amount of snow that has piled up over the past two weeks with almost continual snow storms here in NH.

Primary wise, one of events that the college was hosting had to be canceled last Monday due to a snow storm that contributed at least 10 inches of snow to the local piles. This Monday has the same forecast, so probably not much going on for now.

Several candidates have plans to visit New Hampshire in the not to distant future, it will be interesting to see who Toots and I spot first.

The photos below are close to the same spots that we photographed in January, within a few feet or so  due to the snow banks or the falling ice off of the administration building. We added the photo of the statue of St. Benedict because it looked interesting with the pile of snow on top of his book.

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